
Blood Type: Percentage of Population

You can do your part to make a difference and save a life by donating blood! Blood transfusions are necessary for surgeries, injuries, cancer patients, and many other health conditions.

Donating blood is a quick and easy process! All you need to do to prepare is eat a hearty breakfast and drink a lot of water (avoid caffeine). Then simply visit a phlebotomist at your local blood bank or mobile blood bus!

37% of the population


O+ is the most common blood type and is transfused most often. Whether you donate whole blood, platelets, or plasma you'll be helping out the community tremendously.

Blood Types You Can Receive:

O+, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

O+, A+, B+, AB+

36% of the population


A+ is the second most common type and, like O+ blood, this one can be donated as whole blood, platelets, or plasma since it is transfused just as often as O+.

Blood Types You Can Receive:

A+, A-, O+, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

A+, AB+

8% of the population


B+ is a rare blood type that should be donated through blood or platelets. Hospitals do not use B+ blood too often, however your platelets are always needed!

Blood Types You Can Receive:

B+, B-, O+, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

B+, AB+

3% of the population


AB+ is one of the rarest of all blood types. This blood type is known as the universal plasma donor since it can be transfused into anyone. AB+ platelets are very important as well.

Blood Types You Can Receive:

Any Type

Blood Types You Can Help:


7% of the population


O- is the ultimate life saver and is the highest in demand. This blood type is known as the universal donor since these blood cells can be given to any patient without worry.

Blood Types You Can Receive:


Blood Types You Can Help:

Any Type

6% of the population


As with all negative types, A- blood will always be high in demand since it can be used for all A and AB types. Whole blood donations are the most preferred for this type!

Blood Types You Can Receive:

A-, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

A+, A-, AB+, AB-

2% of the population


B- is a rare and powerful type for blood donations. Like other negative types, B- donors should focus on donating whole blood since all B and AB types can receive it!

Blood Types You Can Receive:

B-, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

B+, B-, AB+, AB-

1% of the population


AB- is the rarest blood type out there. They are known as universal platelet and plasma donors since anyone will be able to receive these platelets and plasma.

Blood Types You Can Receive:

AB-, A-, B-, O-

Blood Types You Can Help:

AB+, AB-